Next in the Custom & Unknown department is this nice
SB in an orange sunburst finish. It is definitely a Re-Issue and not a product of Matsumoku. It's hard to even guess the year of production since Aria has been using that Gotoh bridge in their RIs for quite some time now. Judging by the pics, you would guess the bass is brand new! Notice the pickups are not at all like most SBs - Matsumoku
or RI. It appears to have a rosewood fretboard and either a bone or plastic nut as opposed to the usual brass nut on most SBs. The headstock shape is also slightly different than most SBs. There is also a lack of 'patent text' in between the tuners. A beauty, whatever model it is! (Sorry about the shoddy/random photo placement in the posts. It seems to be a hassle to manipulate photo location (and still have them clickable to see a larger photo) with this editor).

Have you discovered what model this is? I Picked one up a few months back and can't find any info. Thanks.